Add template to existing app


I’m trying to add a messaging feature to my existing app, and found a template that could work well on the marketplace ( Does anyone know if I can add/port in this entire template to my existing app somehow, or if I have to do this manually (by copying each workflow step, etc.)?

Thanks so much!


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Hi Su-Young,

Unfortunately there is no way to apply a template to an existing app outside of copying and pasting elements. If it helps, you can copy/paste “with workflows” if you right-click. You may still have to reconnect some things if there are custom states involved, plugins used in the template, workflow folders, etc.

Gaby at Coaching No Code Apps (formerly Coaching Bubble)

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Gotcha - thank you Gaby!

hie @suyoungkim.syk did you manage to customize pastel within your app, im having a bit of a problem its now acting as a group chat instead of one to one messaging. Can you help me ? i think the issue is here


Do you know if there’s any new possibilities to add templates/blocks after app creation. I would like a complete copy and past with database tables and popups etc.

Best, Peter


It actually is really simple.

Just open a new app and start with the template that you just added to your account. On the new app, make sure you selected the whole page for example: ‘index’. Then just right-click ‘copy with workflows’. Then go to your existing app, just right-click and click ‘paste’.

You’ll then get a message from Bubble ‘Do you want to paste this new page?’ just proceed and you’re done. :slight_smile:



Hey Bubble is such a great tool. Its easy to use except two points. To understand how to add/change template and also when I delete paid app that this paid subscription can not be easily migrated to other app .

Here to the root problem of the this topic. Please enable us to add any template to any app anytime. What If I want to change template of my existing app?

Otherwise we need to use workarounds which generate unnecessary costs to you Bubble - free new apps which are just used for manual copy paste of template.

Thank you.


Exactly Pavol. Why not just implement a new feature for customer happiness? I have like 6 apps while only building one. But I like different things from different templates and copying and pasting is tough