Adding List of Things to API connector

Hi @adycarlo, I can think of a couple of ways to do this.

1 . If you are initiating the send from a browser, and the user has access to all the data sending, could build up the list with the Toolbox plugin List Item Expression.

2 . If the API call is from an API workflow step, i.e. from the server, could send the following to an external host …

“email”: [“”,“”, …],
“last_name”: [“Jones”, “Miller”, …],
“pet”: [“Fluffy”, “FrouFrou”, …]

and have it return back a structured form
{ “email”: "", “last_name”: “Jones”, “pet”: “Fluffy” },
“email”: "", “last_name”: “Miller”, “pet”: “FrouFrou” },


How often does it need to run? If its infrequent, could use a free webtask.

3 . Build up the text for each item as it is created / updated.

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