Adobe XD visual feature in Bubble

Hi Bubblers,
I have been playing with the latest release of Adobe XD (Experience Design). It is a great tool that enables you to quickly scketch your page (pretty much as you can do it with Bubble) and then link them up to create some sort of workflow. But it is only design and no Data and so much less powerfull than Bubble. But I thing that keep me playing with XD is the capacity to zoom in Zoom out and have a global view on your multiple pages. I wonder if it is a feature that could be added in Bubble so we could have a global view of our pages and easily jump to one another and see how the link together. Then I guess Bubble would be the Visual Killer product! No code required.
Thanks again for the great work


Just want to give this some more legs - this feature would obviously be quite a complex addition, but wow would it round out the product. This would make Bubble even more beginner friendly as this kind of navigation is so intuitive. Great idea!