All Facebook Ad Data (Accounts, Campaigns, etc.) Empty, Except for User's Email

I’m creating a Facebook Ads reporting app using Bubble, and so far I have two pages:

1. Homepage: Simple page with a Facebook login button (this one is working fine).
2. Report page: this is where the user gets redirected after they login. I want to display a list of their Ad Accounts, Campaigns, and campaign data.

Only problem is, despite having the BlockSpring API setup (to collect add the data I need: Account names, campaigns, campaign info, ad insights), all those fields are empty. All except for the Email field, which displays the user’s email (from their facebook account).

Any idea why this is happening?

As a result, when I create a text and then a workflow in order to display the user’s account names (as a list), nothing shows up in the preview.

When I login with my FB account on this page, for example:

All my account names and campaigns are listed.

I’m trying to create something similar to that.

Can anyone explain what I’m doing wrong, and perhaps point me in the right direction?

Thanks a lot

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