Announcing our first outside funding

That’s fantastic and truly inspirational! Congrats to the whole team!


Amazing. Congrats guys.

You are enabling me - a non-tech founder - to build tech products with 500,000+ users and $1m+ revenue a year. Bubble has been amazing for us.

Keep up the great work.


Wonderful news - I can’t wait to embark on this new venture with you guys! I know this means lightning quick applications and support for mobile applications hint hint :wink:


Congratulations @Bubble!

This news is excellent in many ways. What touched me the most is how well thought out you are doing this.


Huge congrats to @josh, @emmanuel, and the whole Bubble team. I’m certain Bubble hasn’t even scratched the surface of possibilities. Gonna be a fun ride!


The news i was waiting for arrived!

Hope bubble will do a crowdfunding round for bubble users as well.

If bubble would ask me what to do with the new funds, i would say 3 things:

Performance, Speed, and Performance

Those are the main reason that got me a bit discouraged after 2 years working on bubble.

I want to be able to do a database search in milliseconds, create long workflows without thinking of speed issues.

Thanks bubble, true revolution


Congrats Bubble team.

I truly believe you can be one of the true game-changing companies in tech. Bubble creators can be as ubiquitous as those who use Adobe. You have a suberb vision, and an equally great philosophy towards your existing users.

Love your work!

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Amazing! Congrats @Bubble :v: As a long term bubbler, it’s super exciting !

Kudos to the way you handle Bubble scaling and growth so far. Wisely but steadily !

Happy and impatient to create the future with you and this community


Congrats bubble team! As one of many people that who has invested a lot of time building for this platform–this is fantastic news. Couldn’t be happier for the team, the user community, and what this spells for the platform’s future.


When people are asking about a success story, Bubble is the first one! :slight_smile:


Congrats guys.

You’ve proven that it’s possible to bootstrap a company and build a solid product.
Most new companies these days rush into getting funded right from day one. With very early funding such companies are mostly forced to make decisions that benefit their funders and not their vision.
You guys have managed to build your vision without any funders pressure.
Most us believe this timing is right as it is time to move bubble to the next phase.

Though next round of funding please open it up to some of us hardcore bubble users. We will want to also invest into something we work with daily and believe in.

You made it. :confetti_ball:


Freakin’ awesome! :+1::smiley:


Exciting news! :slight_smile:

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Congrats! I am totally a non programming background and started bubbling intensively for about 1 year…so far i found bubble has proved its vision…to me.

This is a very great news…much more confident with a saas i am developing and launch very soon


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Hope that you will improve the speed and make it possible to export code for static layouts.

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Amazing! Thanks to you guys, I’ve been able to build internal tools and apps that would have been completely impossible in a Bubbleless world.

Now I’m Currently working on a niche SAAS app that is changing my career.

Much love and excitement from another ‘tricked into programming’ bubble fan :slight_smile:


Wow. Didn’t see that coming. Congratulations! I look forward to seeing how this helps Bubble progress even faster.

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This great and exciting news, I am very excited to see were this takes Bubble.


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Congratulations bubble! Great news for the platform, it’s users and the future of no code


That’s awesome, Emmanuel.

For everyone else …

Bubble raises VC money? Great.
The lead VC is SignalFire? Amazing. (Look up their approach / back story / Chris Farmer)
Walter Kortschak is on the board? :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: