API Connector: How to dynamically call a request ? Based on data previously returned by another request?


I receive a list of advertisers (id, name, url, uid) from an endpoint :

GET /advertisers 

1. 1201, demo, www.demo.com, irs394
2. 1202, test, www.test.com, irs312

A second endpoint gives the details for one advertiser (id, name, url, uid, owner, age, etc…):

GET /advertiser/uid

1201, demo, www.demo.com, irs394, bob, 23, etc...

How to display a simple table containing all the advertisers details (one by row)

Make the two calls, create a thing with the data you get then display that thing in a repeating group.

Ok, how to “create a thing” with the data ?

Create a thing, and use get data from external API, then the call you set up

Can you be more precise? I don’t get it

@hermes A link to your test app might help

In the workflow to create a thing, fill the fields using Get data from external API, and then reference your call as the API used.

Do the initial lessons, they cover exactly that.

Ok, thanks!