Application error monitoring


Is there a way to receive email alerts in case of application errors? E.g. a workflow enters an unexpected state and displays an error popup, can I be notified of that? In a more ‘traditional’ web application development scenario I would introduce something like new-relic, sentry, etc. which would handle this.

Thanks for any tips or pointers (I might have missed something obvious in the settings for example).

Cheers, Mark

We use several mechanisms:

  • Our API defined in Bubble is monitored on a regular basis with Postman monitors (alerting Slack)
  • Pingdom and are used for constantly checking uptime by sending a simple request to the API (alerting Slack)
  • On the most important pages we catch any errors and send them to Sentry (alerting Slack)

But Bubble is lacking a way to alert of server errors (if the API returns 500). Hopefully this will be addressed in the near future.


Hi, thanks! I get that. I think I am more thinking about making sure I get notified of errors in MY app (built on Bubble). I think you’re explaining how error handling in general for all of the Bubble platform (API) works?

I am referring to our own app. Our app has an API that is used by our mobile app (developed outside Bubble). So we used it to monitor our Bubble app.

@mark2 “Alerting app owners on errors” is on the roadmap

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