Bdk Text Editor / send email on mention


I am using the Bdk Text Editor of @gaurav . Showing mention works fine.

I want to send an email to people mentionned in the input.

Is there a way to do it in the APi workflow ?

Or do I need to create a new Datatype each type somebdoy is mentionned ?


There should be an option BDK’s Mentions, I believe. @gaurav, I believe this is for you.

Yep that’s correct. Just have the mention type as users and then u can use text editors’s mentions’s email

Thanks Gaurav.

that works. I am building a social media app and I need to retrieve previous comments in a reppeating groups.
But when adding a second Bdk Text editor in a repeating group, I got this bug.

Whe doing it with Input or Vanilla or other text editor, I got this error

How can I do ?


Can you confirm that you’re on the latest version of the plugin?

Last version

Can you message me the link of the page so I can take a look?


@petit-ricard If you have multiple instances of bdk text editor, its mandatory to have a unique ID for each one of them as mentioned in the plugin element note 3:

I’ve fixed your app (the bdk text editor was in nested repeating group). Posting screenshot so others can refer this in future:

Thanks for your help ! :slight_smile:

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