Bulk operations in API workflows?

I run a job board app where I would like to be able to upload jobs in the backend of Bubble via CSV. One of the fields for each job is "Company" of type User. It seems this can’t be uploaded via CSV. The workaround is to map the email address into a temporary text field titled "Upload email" and then transfer it via an API workflow. I’ve setup the workflow as follows but it doesn’t seem to be working and wondered if anyone could advise?

Did you schedule the workflow and send a Job or Jobs to it? Looks right to me from a quick glance.

No, I triggered the workflow manually via the "Bulk" option in the Data tab

Try updating Thing to Change to Job (your parameter) instead of a Search for Jobs: first item. And the Search for Users constraint would be email = Job’s upload email (again, parameter)

I believe @romanmg is correct here. I didn’t notice the “Search for Jobs” thing. Your workflow will operate on one Job at a time and you refer to it as Job. Hopefully you’ve got it working now, @josh7!

Thanks so much for the advice! I’ve still not got it working. Is the below setup correct?

Do you happen to be a view-only admin of this particular app? If you’re a collaborator on the app and you only have view access to Data, you wouldn’t be able to run bulk operations.

Not sure if that’s the issue, but just checking.

No, I’m the only collaborator on the app and have full edit access???:thinking:

Have you check to Bulk with another field like ‘user’? It worked fine for me. I supposed you select the view table ‘Job’ when you Bulk?

Do you mean to check that the bulk function is working? I am unable to run that specific API on the Users table as it is the wrong parameter. I am able to actually run the Bulk function and it takes its time to process so looks like it’s working, but once it’s done, my “User” field is still blank i.e. the API has not worked correctly.

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It’s sound that the ‘Search for’ doesn’t fit here… I will make some tests.

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