Convert URL so values display rather than key parameters

I am attempting to create a QR Code with URL-encoded parameters that will be saved as a PNG file. The values are dynamic, so different values for each customer. When I save the QR code to an image file in Bubble it appears to render properly. Example from my Bubble field:


However when I try to attach the QR Code as a Media file to a Twilio text message I get the following error message from Twilio:

Attempt to retrieve media failed.

Here is the URL that is displayed in the Twilio debugger. Truncated for brevity.[URL-encoded-text]&size=[pixels]x[pixels]&mobile=[data_type_1]&email=[data_type_2]&rewards=[data_type_3]&color=[color]&format=[format]

It looks like Twilio is pulling in the parameter keys and not the values and I am assuming this is why I am getting this error message. In trying to sort this out I have saved the format as :S3 but that doesn’t seem to have made any difference.

Is there a way to set this up so Twilio will be able to pull in the actual QR code as a PNG file?