Deciding whether Bubble is suitable for project

Hi, before leaning about Bubble - which looks great, I need to know if it has the capabilities needed for a project, so here are a few question I hope the community can answer

  1. reporting and graphing data - can I create a dashboard for each user to see the data they have entered in report and graph formats?
  2. can users be managed in groups, and view group-level aggregate data in reports and graphs?
  3. administrators will need access to view, edit, report on and see graphs of all data, is this possible?
  4. scale - what are the limitations on the scale of a live application - number of users, size of database etc.?
  5. PC/aptop/table and mobile phone views - with the right UI, will the web based application be accessible and usable on all screen sizes, is it responsive in a way that works?

Thanks in advance for any answers and links to this type of evaluation info.