Displaying data from database in view

Hi, In the picture below I have a short summary of data which is in the Civ Database.

When a person creates a new civilian, they have to enter a lot more information.

When I try to create the edit button, I tried to show the edit basic information view, and then display data of the parents group in that view. But nothing shows, it’s all just blank boxes which should be filled with the information users entered, so they can edit it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Should be an easy fix but it’s hard to know without seeing it. Can you make your app public and share the link to the editor here? Or at least share some screenshots?

Are your input fields set to display the content of the parents thing as their initial content?

They are.

Here’s the link: https://bubble.io/page?type=page&name=civ&id=sadojrp-cad1&tab=tabs-1

You need to set the ‘Create civ page 1’ group’s Data source to “Parent group’s civilian”. Does that fix it?


Yes, it does.
Thank you very much!

Now the default value of the searchbox doesn’t want to work

The registered owner does work