Dropdown is missing

Hello Bubble community! I have a weird issue. I’m trying to create a workflow to send evaluation data back to my database as a rating. When I go to the workflow, I create a thing, but the dropdown is not showing up. Any help would be appreciated!

The dropdown:

The Parent Group:

The Workflow:

Hey @josh10,

It looks like the button is outside of the repeating group, so it can’t “see” the dropdown you are referencing. Think of it this way – how would that button’s workflow know which dropdown you are wanting to save, since it is repeating?

The quick solution is to process the adding of the Summative Response within the repeating group cell. I would probably just perform the db create action when the value of the dropdown changes:

Of course, you would add all your other fields as well.

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Ken Truesdale

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Thanks so much Mebeingken! I’m going to go try that now.