Editing Defined Styles in the Design Tab

I think it would be helpful to have the ability to edit defined Styles within the property editor on the page, instead of only through the Styles tab. Sometimes it’s hard (for me at least) to edit a defined Style the way I’d like, since I can’t see how it looks alongside all of the elements on the page without clicking back and forth between the page editor and styles tab (especially with white texts/buttons/groups). I usually end up removing the Style, editing it on the page, creating a new Style, and deleting the old Style.

If we would could have the “Edit Style” option keep the Style in the Style dropdown, and then show the Style options in the element property editor as it normally would (or through a window that opens up), that would be really helpful in my opinion. We could still have the option to go to the Styles tab to edit Styles, but I think this would make things much easier.

Would anyone else find this helpful?


I also find it a bit impractical how it’s arranged now. Moreover as far as I understood I can’t just style a separate element without creating a new style, quite inconvenient as well.

If you click ‘Remove Style’, you can format an element without creating a New Style. Then you can click “Create a New Style” from the dropdown which then turns that formatting into a Style. :slight_smile:

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Ah that’s awesome! That will save a lot of headaches in the future, cheers!

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