Friendly Reminder: A Seriously Simple Personal CRM

Since graduating and moving to a different part of the country I’ve realised I have lots of good friends that I care deeply about, but the busyness of life often gets in the way with me keeping in touch with them. Suddenly months have passed by and we gradually loose contact.

Friendly Reminder simply asks you how often you would like to stay in touch with each friend (e.g. every 8 weeks), then emails you just before that time is up prompting you to reach out. If you add your friends Facebook username or cell/mobile number the reminder email will include links straight into these conversations.

Keep track of conversations / meetings
When you reply to a reminder email a comment is created and a new reminder scheduled.

No data hoarding / harvesting
With all the negative press at the moment surrounding Facebook and Cambridge Analytica, I built Friendly Reminder to be deliberately separate. The app isn’t dependant on harvesting data from your social profiles. Because our reminders are sent by email they still fit into your daily life and are unmissable, whilst not relying on dubious data sharing practices.

Free for the Bubble community
I’ve benefited from this forum everyday so using the link above will bypass billing when you sign up, making Friendly Reminder free for Bubble users.


Looks really nice

Thanks very much. It’s sort of a side-project to a side-project!

1 Like

Good idea!

Cheers! :+1:

Although it’s a fairly simple app, if anyone has any feedback or finds bugs / odd behaviour please let me know and I will fix ASAP.

It isn’t possible to click (and read) your Terms of Service or Privacy Policy from the sign up box without being constantly redirected to the homepage.

I’m using Safari on macOS if that helps.

Thanks! I’ve fixed the malfunctioning redirect.

Today Friendly Reminder is on Product Hunt. Please check it out and join the discussion!