Google Sign On 400 Error: URI redirect mismatch

Yes - exactly as per error message

ok Thank you!!! i will check that and get back to you

But i’m getting same error!!
now the URl is different in that error

Add that one as well

both URI’s must be given??

That’s the easiest. Not sure you actually need the first one now. I didn’t realize that you were using the ‘Signup/login via Social’ functionality in Bubble. That’s what the 2nd URI is for.
Just add both to keep things simple.

yes!! i added both the URI’ but that URI is not taking me to the redirect URI, its just staying in same page

Yes that’s correct, so it’s working, now you just need to take them to the page you want by using your workflow in Bubble. Watch this video from about 18mins in, explains it better than I will. How to Setup Google Login in - YouTube

ok i got it !!! thank you so much for helping me out… :slightly_smiling_face: