Help using GoNative & Xcode to go to the App Store

I recently bought a license at GoNative to use their service to get my Bubble app on both the apple and android app stores. I started with Apple but I keep getting a ‘<OneSignal/OneSignal.h>’ file not found error.

I just downloaded my files from GoNative and opened the project file and clicked “automatically manage signing”, picked the correct provisioning profile, (unclicked landscape options), and then when I click “archive”, I get this one build error under “Lexical or Preprocessor Issue” that tells me ‘<OneSignal/OneSignal.h>’ file not found. Also, my app doesn’t use push notifications and I did not purchase any extra push notification page and due to requirements I’m using Xcode 8.0.

Anyone with experience with this situation that can help point me in the right direction?

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