How do you Display creation date such as 'x Days ago'?

Hi Team,

I would like to display the creation date of say a notification, but rather than displaying the actual date it was created I would like to display it a an ‘X Days ago’?

How do I go about achieving this?


Current date/ time - parent groups thing (or current cells thing or however you have it set up) 's creation date: formatted as days. then manually type in “Days Ago” after it.

If you dont want it to show the decimal as in 3.2 days then add :rounded to 0 at the end of the expression.


@denverdave11 I’m not seeing a formatted as days option. I only see the following

Hi @Kfawcett, here’s a screenshot showing where I do it…

No worries. I had the same problem as you did, it took me a while to realize what I was doing wrong.

i m still not able to see the “Formated as days”. Do you have any idea why?

@cm1 Look for “Format As”, instead of “Formatted As”. Also try “parent group”, instead of “current cell”

@Kfawcett i managed. thank you
Now i have another question :slight_smile:

I have managed to make a timer:
The question is : How can i make the timer, decrease time in real time?
In this case i have hours here, but i will add seconds aswell

@Kfawcett @denverdave11 the element you used is it the text element, the text element is just not working

Hi when I set up current date- the date saved in my database formated as days is giving me


Even if I set 2 days or any days back…

Why is this happening?
Is it a bug


Hi there @ananthurg77,

You might be using the date type in UNIX instead of just date.

@johnny no, my data type is date.

‘Email send for call date’ is the field I am using for subtraction

And I am getting this same value for every date