How to display RepeatingGroup's Thing data on a popup?

Hi @AnFlare, @NigelG and @fayewatson,

i might have found a solution for workflows triggered by hover (within RG’s) after all, thanks to the brilliant toolbox plugin shared by @mishav (Toolbox plugin - collection of utility elements):

  1. I have a Repeating Group containing a HTML Element. It has some simple JavaScript Code watching the hover state of a div within the HTML element. The div and the EventListener both have been set up with dynamic ID’s/names, based on the current cells index.

  2. A hover event now fires a function, which passes the current cell ID from the HTML element on to bubble.

  1. With the help of the toolbox plugin by @mishav we now can trigger a workflow in bubble. Since we can receive the index of the hovered cell, it should be totally possible to trigger an individual workflow based on that specific cell.

Here comes a preview:

And here is the dev page:

I hope somebody will find this useful.

Cheers Jeremias