How to pre-fill the log-in email input

@AliFarahat I suspect the problem is that Bubble only puts the email into a browser cookie during the “log in” action if “remember the email” is “yes”. I’m not using that action at all; I’m using the password reset action.

Understood, yes your right.

That’s correct, this is by design.

Is there another way to put the email text somewhere it will be accessible when the user is logged out?

Not currently.

Is this possible in your specific app?

Create another field on the user (SaveEmail). Populate this field with a unique string. You can use the UID of the user but for security reasons that could be odd - or not - your call.

After the user logs in, send additional data to the page (parameter). SaveEmail=CurrentUser’s SaveEmail’s value. If the user gets logged out and has to return to the login screen, have conditional formatting on the email input that if the page parameter SaveEmail is not empty, then pre-populate it’s value with Do A Search For -> users that have SaveEmail=Get data from URL -> SaveEmail’s value -> first item’s email. This should pre-populate the email of the user that just got logged out.

If the page parameter SaveEmail is empty, then leave the input blank as normal and have them type it in.

If you can cut down half of the frustrations with this hack, it might be better than nothing.

That’s an interesting idea. Do you have a suggestion on how to test it? The action that redirects the user to index happens before the user is actually logged in, so it can’t access data things.

See how “current user is logged in” returns no, and the other parameters return empty.

My thought is whatever workflow that you use to log the user in will have to add the page parameters. It has to be after the user logs in.

That’s the workflow in the screenshot. It’s the “reset password” action that changes the user’s credentials and it doesn’t force them to reauthenticate, so it must be logging them in.

I assumed they’d be logged in after that, but apparently the log in actually happens after that entire workflow is run because two actions later, at the “go to page index” action, “current user is logged in” returns “no.”

I am not familiar with logging in with an API Workflow - only with Bubble’s standard login.

I assume that you are creating a user and then sending them a tracking email with a link. Can that link have the parameter embedded in the URL? So whether or not the user is logged in, the page parameter includes the hidden field that would be used to identify the user and their email address. This way the Current User being logged in is irrelevant.

I haven’t tested that method before (or logged in Users using an API workflow), but that sounds like it’d be interesting to try!

It’s got nothing to do with an API workflow. It’s a normal workflow.

Then, can you populate the input with whatever you want?