How to Sort RG by Typed Text?

As a user is typing into an input field, I’d like for a repeating group to sort. The listings which contain the typing text will be at the top. How can this be achieved?

If the RG has a data source of List1 : merged with List2, then List1 is displayed first, and duplicates aren’t shown in List2.

List1 can be a search with constraints or a filter, List2 can be a search without constraints or with different constraints.

It looks like you are wanting the Input field to behave similar to a Searchbox?

Can you show me images? Yes I want an input text box to work like a live search box. Thanks

Send pics or it didn’t happen … :P

Give it a try, and when you get it working you’ll see how ugly the performance is, re-doing the search on each change of input.

Then you can investigate a nicer UX but more complex solution, like using javascript to hold an index for searching, and feed the RG from there.

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