How to store access token(from multiple social networks) in bubble's DB so that I can later pull info(from respective network) from another app?

Unfortunately, I have done this often. Two reasons… Off-line access and multiple accounts per user.

I’ve never cracked how to perform external calls using the vanilla oauth user agent flow, when the user is not present. Would love to hear how.

And then there is the use case of several accounts for one user. As soon as you try this, a new bubble user is created. Again, would love to hear I’m wrong!

Without these, I’m forced into doing the oauth dance step by step and storing in the database. This exposes the keys in the client, which is undesirable.

@Vikrant.g if you really want to do this, knowing the risk, post the details of your api connector calls for the community to comment and help. It’s also a good idea to get it working in postman first and then move it over.

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