If your website does not load In Half a second then your doing it all wrong

This is the result of GTMetrix.

I ran the test twice so the server cached what needs to be cached before. These are the results of the second pass.

What includes:

  • Bubble framework
  • Background Image

The only thing that could be optimised is the “Defer parsing of javascript” and as you can imagine this is not possible given that the framework in itself is like a huge JS file :slight_smile:

With a Time to First Byte of 0.1 seconds infrastructure and delivering wise it’s hard to get better results than these.

Only real optimisations to speed are in the Bubble framework. To put it in simple words…how small in size can Bubble make the JS file and how quickly it can build it. Delivering the information, as you can see, is not a problem.

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I’m not sure if these pieces take into consideration the load of data in repeating groups. Technically, the group element loads quickly, but the data takes a while to populate in some cases. In our app, the page would load super fast, but it was unusable until all the data loaded. We did a major refactor and it improved significantly (from 25-30 seconds to less than 2), but I think that’s likely to continue to be the major bottleneck, at least in my apps.


Mine doesn’t include it for sure.
I’m just talking about infrastructure and delivery optimisation.

Talking to the database and retrieving the data is what is slower from my perspective also.

The fact that you can build the worst application ever, that defies logic and that bubble actually allows that(given it’s flexibility) is the strongest and weakest point at the same time. Bubble is it’s own enemy :smiley:

The framework is so powerful to allow such a plethora of ways of doing the same thing that probably adds a lot of “needed bloat”.

All in all, I do prefer flexibility and the no-code approach to blazing speed.

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I just ran a Pingdom test:

Load time of https://qoins.io/ w. Pingdom Tools: 1.58 s from San Jose, California, USA. Size: 2.4 MB. Rqsts: 54. https://tools.pingdom.com/#!/dQUVkf/https://qoins.io/

FYI: Qoins is featured in Bubble’s app showcase.

The results are pretty good, but there are some recommendations which could help (see above link)… Qoins has 1.5MB of images on their homepage, which could be an issue… however, there are 600K worth of JS… is this the size of Node JS?

Hi, Emmanuel does bubble deliver content via an Australian Edge Location?

Many thanks!

Yes, we use cloudfront that has locations in australia

Great! thanks!

Hi @andrewgassen. I know its been years since this post, but would you mind sharing some info on this refactoring? For example, the types of expressions that you switched away from and those you switched to that helped the most?

From 25 seconds to just 2 is such an incredible improvement. Your post is hard to ignore. I wonder if the state of Bubble in '17 when you made this post had anything to do with it.