Image in Google Map Marker and Making it Clickable?

Let me know if you have issues, and will see if I can create an example somewhere, or you can make your app public for a short while.

Will do and thank you, I wouldn’t be able to work on it for another 20mins.

I will be back later, so maybe we can go with the 1st option :slight_smile:

How can I show two types of the marker on a single map? The exact scenario is that there is a list of markers which come from the database(it is done) and another is user’s current location. So how can I set this two different types of the marker on the same Google map?

Data dependent icons are available under “Customized Icon” on the Map Element’s editor.


However you will need the icon stored on the database, or passed in from an API (the above is the Google Places API icon).

NigelG. You are a wondrous man.

Thank you for this thread @NigelG . Do you know if the ‘Data dependent’ selection has moved? I’m trying to find it but it currently looks like this:
Screenshot 2022-11-15 at 14.53.10


Is it on of the other element tabs?

I found the solution - the ‘Number of Markers’ needs to be selected as a list. thank you - I’ve been following quite a few of your threads on maps and it’s really helped me!

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Hi everyone, I hope this post is still active and @NigelG as well :smile: …I am here because I am trying to use Google Maps with some custom configurations…in particular I would like to get something like what it is asked in this stackoverflow post:

Do you think is it possible with Bubble? Or should I use directly the Google Maps API? In this case, can anyone hint how to “switch” (and if it is not deprecated) from Bubble integrated Maps API to a manually integration? I mean, should I use the API connector plugin (and in the affirmative, how?) or should I use HTML element with javascript inside? Thank you in advance!