Image Resize for Mobile

Hello Bubblers,
I have an info page that has a group with a background image. I have checked the following boxes:

Center the Image
Make image as wide as parent element

I cannot figure out why the image does not resize even though the group does. I have also tried making the image the page background image with the same result. Checking the forum, I haven’t found anything that’s working. I would really appreciate some help. Thanks ppl.

Can you share a link to the page?

Yes, sorry about that. I have it open to share but let me know if you run into any issues.

Hmm, not letting me access for some reason.

I couldn’t get the image to resize. In the end, I just created a different image with better proportions for mobile. Then I used a conditional to change the image based on the view size. It works.

I have the same problem!