Introducing AirDev Canvas - the free app foundation for your next Bubble project

Hi @mohsen,

Thank you for your interest in Canvas! To answer your questions:

  • Canvas Template only works with when it’s linked to AirDev server
    The Canvas Template is a standalone app that is free for anyone to use. You can choose to either build on top of the Canvas foundation app by yourself or add visual layouts / pre-built widgets using Canvas Pages. The latter will require you to add to your app as a collaborator so we can add pages and groups to your app (using custom automation that we’ve built).

  • To add a page, I must buy credits, Credits that I have to purchase (3 given for free)
    We give users 3 free credits to start because we want users to try out Canvas Pages before they decide to purchase any credits. The standard page layout is free. We have three different credit packages that are available (basic, pro, enterprise).

  • I cannot transfer any of these pages to any other app and expect it to function correctly.
    These pages are most compatible with the Canvas template because 1) they use the canvas app styles, 2) some pages may refer to the canvas app database fields 3) they work best with the responsive settings in Canvas app. These pages can still function if you move them to another app but like any transfer of assets between apps, you need to ensure that the app you are pasting this page into has the same styles, database fields, and responsive settings. If not, you would have to manually reconnect everything to the corresponding styles and fields.

  • I cannot modify these pages directly in bubble
    You can definitely modify these pages directly in bubble. A lot of our users add pages to their apps and build on top of it :smiley:

Hope this helps!


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