Is there a way to create a number of completed interviews? - Solved

Hello everyone! I am creating an interview system for people in my server to conduct interviews. I am looking for a way that I can make it so when ever they finish an interview, it updates their total amount of interviews completed. Also, I would like a top 5 interviewers page if this is possible to achieve. If there is a way to achieve these things, let me know. Thanks!

You can do this multiple ways but here are a couple options:

  1. Dynamic: Add the Interview thing as a list of Interviews field to the User thing. Then simply add each completed Interview to that Users list of Interviews. You can then use the count function to see the total interviews (i.e: display text as User’s interviews: count) This method will create a dynamically updated count on the User and would allow you to extract more detailed information such as interviews completed by type of interview or status of interview etc by adding simple filters to the search.

  2. Static: The simplest way is to create a number field on the User called Count. The way this would work is when the User submits a completed interview, you would include a workflow that would Make Changes to Current User and increase the Count field by 1. It would look like this:

Okay, so adding this to the current user field. What type of content do I make it?

Thanks in advance

You are going with option 2?

Yes, that seems to be the easiest to me

@eli, I have figured it out. Thank you for the help! Much appreciated!

Your Count field should be a Number type. Like this:

And set the default to zero.

Glad to help!