Is there a way to start two separate workflows depending on which dynamic data of the same text element is clicked?

Is there a way to start two separate workflows depending on which dynamic data of the same text element is clicked? Thanks!

Question: Are they clickable links in the text?

There’s some (way overly complex) ways I could think of to do what you’re asking, but it would be much easier to just style this text up in two separate elements that “look” like one.

Now, IF the two text areas in your element are actually clickable links, I guess you could fire off a different API workflow based on those clicks. But that’s just not really what you’re looking to do.

Better interface for this is buttons – or button-like things – make it clear to the user: You click here, we gonna do this. You click there, we gonna do that.

Would be interested to see a screenshot of what (and why) you’re trying to do this…

Thank you for your reply @keith! In my case it would a text where you have: <User name created message name.> So when you click User name it start one workflow and if you click message name it start another. The number of characters of the user name and message name varies and it is difficult to align two separate texts. My website functions by “showing” and “hiding” groups, so inserting links on different parts of text, I guess, would not work.
I am not sure if there is a simple solution for this…:thinking:

Gotcha. The solution is actually SORTA simple. How comfortable are you with HTML elements and a touch of JavaScript?

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OK, made a little video about this. As soon as its done encoding in a few minutes you should be able to watch it. Fairly easy thing to accomplish… as I note at the end, for me, the hardest part would be making it look nice. :stuck_out_tongue: but check it out:


Thank you sooooo much, @keith, for such a great video explanation! :raised_hands: For the first time in my life I have more answers than questions! could you keep this video online little longer as I would need to re-watch it again tomorrow! Much appreciated!

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hi, im using this regex, how to determine the @user who was clicked?
