LinkedIn Oauth profile data

if you are doing anything with LI matched audiences or lead gen i will definitely be interested in how that goes.

Hi Neerja … I have this error , I dont know why… How can I solve this ?

Thank you very much!

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Maybe would be great if you could do again the tutorial with the last changes in the Linkedin API v2

I think that would be very useful for all the community


I think it’s cause your email input has a value. Try emptying it out

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same, everything’s working but the display image

I tried using this link for the profile picture, but it didn’t work:


I also tried adding that link to the user profile endpoint but no luck.

Where do you go this return values screen?

I used the LinkedIn plugin and was able to use it to signup / login into my app.

However, I am still having trouble pulling and saving basic information, like name and profile picture. Based on this thread, that sounds like it should be available through the workflow.

This thread was super helpful in helping me get LinkedIn API working. Thank you all. Just need to get over that last hump!

For anyone else annoyed by the email thing, you can just set it after the fact using the “change the email for another user” action and targeting Current User :slight_smile:


Not sure if you’re still stuck on this - but I was having the same problem but I fixed it by running the LinkedIn on Preview with the new “profile-idname” call. I signed up using my LinkedIn, and when I returned back to this API, and initialized this call, it worked! Hope this helps

Does anybody have an updated tutorial or a link to some forum thread detailing how to do this in 2020. The webinar video and this thread are of no help as I get errors following this thread and the webinar video.

Here is a youtube video on integrating LinkedIn API with Bubble


Hey, I’m receiving the same error - were you able to figure out a fix for this?

the instructions are in the API connector itself.

This is what I did:

  1. add a button somewhere and WF linkedin (your API call)
  2. run the app and click on it
  3. you’ll get a message it’s authenticated now
  4. now initialize your API connector call


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ahggg the Linkedin token expires, does anybody know how to programmatically get a new token every N days?

Hi there, it seems you could retrieve the user email from LinkedIn, right? I can’t make it work, could I take a look in your API Connector settings? Thanks a lot :pray:t2:


Thanks for your video, it worked perfectly. Bout how can I retrieve/show the user’s information (firstName, lastName, picture)? I tried to put inside a text element in my Bubble app the expression “Current user’s Linkedin’s Id”, but it shows nothing (empty)… Thanks in advance!

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Please see Part 2 video I did to answer your question:

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Great work buddy, have you made something similar on google services ?

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What do you mean exactly when you say google services? Do you mean logging in with google account?