Minimum input characters and checking for existing usernames?

Have 2 things I’m trying to figure out.

  1. Is there a way to set a minimum number of characters for an input?
  2. When a user is signing up, will it let them sign up with the same username as another person or does it automatically run a check at signup? If not, how can I run a check in the signup process?


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It won’t let someone sign up with the same email address. It will return an error.

As for the limit number of characters, what I normally do is just make the button that says “next”, or whatever it says, to not function (with conditionals) unless the input has a certain amount of characters. That blocks it in a way.

Does that make sense?

If youre using social log-in and not email then it wont prevent duplicate usernames. You can do a search for user, username: and see if it matches. If it does tell the user or add a character to the end of their username, like how discourse works.

I have a “username” input that is filled out at signup, I will not be using social logins. I am using these usernames as the members custom URL’s, so I need to know how to run a check when they enter a username that wont allow them to use one that already exists. And I would like to make it a minimum of 5 characters if possible.

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Check this

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