Mobile App with Offline Access

Hi all,

I’ve seen the help around creating a native app by using Bubble and they look great. However, it seems that the app will always need to be connected to the internet for it to work. I’ve not done too much detailed research yet so apologies if this is a very simple yes/no answer.

Is there the functionality/capability for a user to download an app that was created using Bubble, and then saving something down to their smartphone? (kind of like Spotify do with their “offline playlists”). This means they still get value from the app without being connected to the internet.


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Currently I believe there is no offline capabilities available but I believe there were talks about it being added in the future.

Great question, although I have no real input I’m also interested in finding out about ways round this little conundrum… I thought I read some post some time back about a manifest.xml file… but I’m not too sure

From looking into it in a bit more detail, it looks like I could create a native app using something like Dropsource which (if I’m understanding this correctly: does have the functionality for offline saving of media files, and connect it to my Bubble database so it can feed the data back and forth (i.e the links to the files and the number of plays) - should do the trick for my purposes.

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Update on this : dropsource don’t have the ability to save files to local device.

Does anyone know of a no code app platform that does?

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According to their docs, Thunkable lets you write to local storage. I haven’t done it myself, though.

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What about syncing when back on line?

From their forums, it looks like people are doing this with both TinyWebDB and Firebase. The community is pretty active over there, they may have something more than I found in my 2 minutes of forum searching, but it looks like people are achieving this.

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Dropsource has offline capability.
Whenever you retrieve data from your backend you can cache it on device and when offline fetch from device.

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Hey, yep it does, but it doesn’t have the ability to save files locally. In my use case I am making an API call that returns a URL to an audio file, which the user can download locally if they want to listen to it offline, Dropsource doesn’t support that.

That’s great new information. Thanks for passing along.

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I was unaware of this. Thanks for sharing. I’ll go investigate.

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Hi, I was experimenting with our project on using PWA - Progressive Web App features in a Bubble App. You add a manifest, some features how your app should be seen and behave especially on mobile devices when opened through the mobile webbrowser. You decide in short words, how your second script - a so called “service worker” then manages the caching of your app. I think there are 5 or 6 modes to choose. From fetching almost anything live / online, to total caching of almost anything. Plus installation with a click on mobile - without ever going into the app stores with an app. Your app is then with logo, a lot of app like behaviour - on the Start Page of the phone, and more or less “installed” - depending on your decisions (see above). Above all this, you can let users download a full installabel app on desktop Pc (Mac, Windows, other…). Your app then runs in a closed browser window, without most browser features and installed, making it very fast of course.

Is it possible to change the DB offline (cache) and sync after?

I think it ist done automatically when online is back,