Need help with API to retrieve deltas to mail (i.e @odata.nextLink And @odata.DeltaLink)


Microsoft Graph allows you to retrieve deltas since your last search with an @odata.Deltalink, instead of having to get all emails for import. As you’re querying and reach the amount of results requested, Graph provides an @odata.nextLink for pagination that will allow you to retrieve the next set of results using the link in its value.

Once you reach the end of the results it changes from an @odata.nextLink to an @odata.DeltaLink. This delta link can be used in the future to search for new updates to the previous query.

I’m trying to figure out how to get this setup in my APIs. Since the @odata.DeltaLink data type is not returned during the initialization call, Bubble doesn’t know about it.

Is there a way to add this data type manually?

@Bubble Anyone able to help answer this?

Hi @emmanuel or @josh any changes in setup of APIs that would support this? Really need the ability to modify the API structure, instead of the system automatically defining all of the fields when you initialize it, since the DeltaLink only shows at specific times.