[New Feature] Excel-like table

No we haven’t updated it, but now that the plugin system, you can build your own :wink:


I am using this Excel Table plug-in and I am trying to figure out how to format the data that is displayed back.

For example:
I have a form create with several input fields to collect information for a new employee. I have two inputs that are for currency and a percentage. After submitting the form the app data converts these straight to numbers so my percentages display as “0” and my currency loses the symbol and decimals.

Is it possible to format this plug-in so when it displays those few data fields it can format how I need it?

Been struggling with the same issue with rounding … DB and Cells 11, actual number $10.50 a fix for this would be great.displaying data that is not “correct” will confuse people. if number is 10.50 then display should be 10.50

This is great!

Is there a max row count? I’m trying to pull a report of users and it ends at 50 though I have more than 50 users.

Thanks so much!

thanks for this plugin, but i can’t change column when click on checkbox.

Hi Emmanuel,

I am curious to know if you have updated the Handsontable plugin to facilitate user entry, and save to server/ DB? Also, is it possible to save the table as a PDF, or a csv?

Hi Mirant,
yes the plugin now allows user entry through enabling “auto-binding”


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Me, reading this announcement.
Know that I’m screenshoting Excel files and uploading them as images for now (MVP, app still not public). So if I manage to replace them with live excel tables… that would be a wonderful day!


Hi again,
Just checking in again to see if the max number of rows can exceed 50.

I also would like to see the ability to:

  1. Reorder columns
  2. Rename column headings
  3. Set a format for specific columns
  4. Hide row #'s

Is there further development planned?


Excellent tool and thanks for sharing. I have a question, can I import data from a CSV file or from an Excel file into the table?

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Hi, could you explain how to use this plugin for allows user entry?

once you choose the type of content you can enable or disable the editing. See the screenshot

if you want to enable your users adding new records, then you might want to consider installing a different plugin that we have created. Here is the link.



Great plugin.

Would love to see changeing the order of columns.



Just having a quick look at handontable and it looks like it supports column moves

example1 = document.getElementById(‘example1’),

hot = new Handsontable(example1, {
data: Handsontable.helper.createSpreadsheetData(200, 20),
rowHeaders: true,
colHeaders: true,
colWidths: 100,
manualColumnMove: true,
manualRowMove: true

Anyway to just add this capability to the plugin?



Any action on this? It would be super useful and give the plugin a lot more utility for use cases.



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@emmanuel This Sadly doesn’t work. As you can see here. Can you provide how to get this to show correctly?

Debug On: https://forum_app2.bubbleapps.io/version-test/excel?debug_mode=true
Debug Off Live Version: https://forum_app2.bubbleapps.io/excel

@emmanuel Any word on being able to sort/Move columns? Its really bugging me that there isn’t a way yet.


If Bubble were to add a feature for assigning a variable to the Handsontable instance, then we can use javascript rather easily to add features (moving columns, arranging columns, etc.).
var handsontableVar = new Handsontable(example, {....

We could even manipulate the Handsontable instance via jQuery if they assign it a static ID (right now, we can only assign an ID to the container for Handsontable using the Bubble UI, which will not allow us to do much):

If anyone has an idea on how to crawl the page for the HandsonTable instance (the name changes with every page refresh: handsontable12345022xx, etc.) using javascript, then we can assign it a variable and go to town.


@emmanuel Is there any update on ordering the columns ?