[New Feature] SSL certificates

Completely agree with the pricing. Any app that has users should have SSL. There should be a plan between personal and professional that allows bubble apps to have SSL without necessarily increasing workflow runs/private apps/or version control,etc… $79/month is a lot to pay if the only feature you need in professional subscription is SSL.


How do I fill out a bug report .?

My ssl won’t set up ; (

I’d also like to throw my support behind an add-on SSL feature. An extra $700 per year to pay for SSL is something I definitely can’t justify. Can we find a middle ground?


I got the same issue and reflexion, but at the end, in 2 or 3 months, your project isn’t enough viable, you can downgraded. But it’s definitively a must have. In my case, I save and continue to save at least $1000 per month of programing guy that love to spend time to arranged things instead of focusing in pure programmation… Real story.

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I guess you could deploy live without your own domain and use the bubble default domain, correct?

https://yourApp.bubbleapps.io on the personal plan.

Is this correct?

Yes it is.

Im in the verge of launching my app and in order to start making money (using Stripe), i need to enable ssl. If i upgrade to the professional plan, do i need to pay extra for the ssl or the pro plan includes all costs? @emmanuel

It’s included in the plan.

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@emmanuel Is there any plan to allow SSL as an add-on instead of only on the Professional Plan? The cost is a bit much, but we’ll be processing sensitive data and SSL is a requirement. In addition, Google is now docking non-HTTPS sites in the search engine, and the latest iterations of Google Chrome call out non-HTTPS sites in the address bar.

Also, is it possible to enable SSL certificates through my registrar if the domain is pointed to Bubble’s nameservers?


+1 for SSL as an add-on feature.
I agree with all the points above.
If we do not use SSL, we loose users and referencing, and equally if we stick with the bubble domain.
Paying an extra 60$/month for SSL only is too much given that we can not setup our own certificates.
An intermediate solution would definitly be welcome !


I’ll add my +1 to this one, too. I’ll probably upgrade to a better plan once I get the monetization going. Before that, though, I still need SSL and probably so do a lot of other users. Please consider offering SSL as an add-on feature or probably creating an “enhanced personal” plan - everything else would be the same except for SSL and a reasonably higher price.
Or, as an alternative - let us get and install our own certificates. Godaddy where my domains are registered offers a single-domain certificate for €51 with €69 renewals - I’d get that one installed immediately if I could.
Spending 12 times that amount a year on an upgraded bubble just for SSL seems a bit unreasonable at the moment.
I’d be willing to shell out an extra 5-10 bucks per domain per month to get them covered by bubble. If it was on offer I’d be all like


I just messaged Emmanuel the same thing and got a similar response. Don’t get me wrong, you’re doing some outstanding work with Bubble, but should definitely work on adding SSL certificates to all of your plans. I even got some messages from early-on subscribers on my mail list who state that my landing page looks a bit suspicious without HTTPS. SSL certificates are standard in 2017 and when your customers are already on a paid plan, it should be fair enough to give them the opportunity to use it.


Will organisations like https://letsencrypt.org/ giving our free certs and Google penalising websites without one, I’m a +1 for giving users the option on the cheaper plan.


Yes, I also believe that Bubble is outstanding so far, and I hope they will listen to their customers on this one :slight_smile:


@emmanuel any further update on this? It would be really helpful to have some more flexible SSL options.


I’m also interested in an update on that topic.


OK, just so it’s clear… there is no way to get SSL (even for development purposes) without the professional plan, right?

@collegefund.me Correct.

If you are willing to have the app accessed through the xyz.bubbleapps.io domain and not your own domain name, then that is already over a SSL