[New Feature] Twitter Authentication

This one has been asked for for a very long time, and we eventually did it (sorry it took that long…). You can now add Twitter authentication to your apps, as you can do with Facebook, Google, etc. It works pretty much the same way. You’ll need to add an app with Twitter with the redirect URLs, etc. and then install the plugin in Bubble, enter your keys, and you’re good to go!


awesome, is the “plus:item” selection for posting new Tweets on user’s profile?

awesome! very useful :slight_smile:


Founder at Bubblewits - Bubble Certified Partner

http://bubblestore.io – a place to buy Bubble templates for landing pages, e-commerce, workflows, APIs etc.
http://iambubble.com - one page Bubble demo
http://builtonbubble.com - Collection of apps built on Bubble


Sorry if this is kind of a newbie question. I tried doing this and entered my Consumer Key and Consumer Secret.

Tried creating a workflow that after clicking the sign in button it will login on twitter:


However, after clicking sign up, despite entering wrong details, it just leads me to this page.

twitter app management page.

Need help :frowning:

@emmanuel thanks for adding twitter login. Is the ability to Post on user’s Twitter and FB accounts, coming as well?

No immediate plan there, please refer to my email to you regarding sponsoring, documentation, etc.

I have sent you an email with details.

With twitter login, can you add ability to grab user’s email as well.

Hi @emmanuel -

I just signed up and have been trying out Bubble over the last couple of days. One of the first apps I tried to build needs Twitter login auth.

I followed all the steps - but get an “Error Connecting to twitter : undefined”

I have made sure the API Secret and Consumer Keys are correct. I have set the website and callback URLs to my bubble app URL as well.

What am I missing?


Can you share a link?

Sure - the app is at :

We added a better messaging for the error. If you try again you’ll see what Twitter returns.

Thanks - but I tried again - and the error message is the same as before ( - Unknown error ) :frowning:

Try again.

Ok - it gives a more helpful error msg now - and we were able to fix the problem. Thanks!

Hi Emmanuel,

I think twitter doesn’t really pull out any data into Bubble.

I have same error message.

I’m having issues with getting the email of users who sign up with Twitter I’m a doing something wrong I already enabled the request email permission from twitter dev

Anyone know how to get the Twitter user token?
Need it to perform call to the API


Did you try the action "Signup/login with a social network using Twitter as the OAuth-provider? I haven’t used it but came across it configuring Microsoft as the OAuth-provider.
