New simple online Bubble to Android app converter

Hi all :slight_smile: I’ve been out of the Bubble community for a while due to studies so apologies if this is already a solved issue, but if not, I’d just like to present a project I’ve been working on for my portfolio.

It’s a cloud service that lets you convert your Bubble app (or any other web site) into an Android 9.0+ compatible, WebView based, native app. No need to install Android Studio and the SDK, no messing around with Java source code. You just fill out the required info, and in a couple of minutes you get back an installable APK, along with the source code used to generate it.

Everything from the WebView app skeleton, to the build server, to the web client and server, is open source.

You can give it a try for free now here:

Let me know what you think!


I guess I can’t access this at work, but seems awesome. Would love to see this for iOS too. :slight_smile:

Good job!

Thanks, I’d love to add iOS at some point

Edit: I forgot to mention, at the moment this should be considered an Alpha release. If anyone finds any compatibility issues please let me know. Currently it only generates non-signed builds, so they’re not currently distributable on Google Play. If there’s interest, I will be adding a certificate generating & build signing service for building Google Play release ready builds, which there will be a small (sub $10) charge for.


Hi @dambusmedia! Hope you re well.
I went into the packapp link and the server is down.

Are you currently working on this? Do you know when it might be up again?

David -

Hi @finango, unfortunately I had to take the build server down as the monthly costs were quite high and it was hardly being used at all. No plans currently to put it back up unfortunately, but maybe in the future if I find a cheap and suitable server to run it on.

Hey @dambusmedia,

We’d be happy to explore how we can loop in and make use of what you’ve got here! We’re always looking to improve our own take on mobile deployment through Deploy. Should also go without saying, thanks for contributing to the open-source community. Give us a shout and let’s see what’s possible. :slight_smile:


@copilot, sure, I’m open to taking the project forward in whatever way, would be nice to see it be of use to the community