Problem connecting to MS SQL using SQL Database Plugin

I am attempting to connect to an MS SQL database instance using the SQL Database Connector Plugin. The connection string appears to me to be formatted correctly according the required format for the plugin. When I test the connection, it times out.

I know from reading an earlier post on this topic that a time out means Bubble can’t talk to our database. Our database server is behind a firewall using ACL rules to accept incoming connections only from specific IP addresses. How does the SQL Database Connector Plugin handle this scenario? Has anyone successfully connected Bubble to an MS SQL instance that is firewall protected in this way?

Possibly it is the protocol on which the connector is attempting to connect - currently we have only TCP protocol open and Named Pipes is disabled on that SQL instance. We do have many outside web servers and outside 3rd party tools connecting to various databases in this instance of SQL server using TCP, so I know that the instance is running, it’s configured for remote access, etc.

Can someone please help with this, as we would like to built some additional customer support apps for our product using Bubble?

Thanks in advance.

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