RTL (right to left) somoeone? [update: managed to apply CUSTOM CSS! ]

Bubble Support RTL, but you will need to keep in mind several things:

  1. Elements will stay the way they are designed in the editor regardless if the RTL language is activated or not, unless you want to use HTML element every where which I don’t recommend.
  2. Repeating Groups now support RTL since May 2018.
  3. There are several ways to activate the language on your website Front End make sure to activate the RTL language to see the behavior needed for texts and translation using the “app text” and repeating groups, but elements will not switch direction though.

How to activate the language on your website (front-end), you can add to the url ?lang=langueCode, for example if you want to activate Hebrew, the url should be:

I recommend reading these posts: