Send Beautiful HTML emails from Bubble Through API connector

thank you!!!


Sorry for this question which may appear basic since I recently started with Bubble :

I’ve set up a Sendinblue request through the API connector plugin and it works well (I receive test emails).

My problem is that i cannot see where i can change the body parameters when calling it as an action in the workflow (For example changing the TO email into a dynamic input from my app or same for the first name)

Here is what i get when i call the action in the worflow :

And here are my settings on the API connector

Thank you very much for your help !

Hi Amo!

In the API connector settings, just uncheck the PRIVATE box on both keys for Email and Var1 :slight_smile:

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Thanks a lot @keedanpunch :+1:

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I’m new here… I’m working on a e-commerce app, and need to send the Shopping list in the confirmation email.

I set up the “dynamic list” in the Sendinblue template like that:

And the API connector JSON this way:

Then, I used the ListItemExpression to send the data:

Now I’m getting this error:

Can anyone help me?

Thank you very much…

I have had many trouble with sendgrid free plan, hotmail and outlook block (they dont even appear in spam) their emails.

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Yup, I was on their paid plan and had this issue. Immediately moved off Sendgrid and went to Postmark.

I was wondering how could I assign a custom value to a hyperlink using a custom URL that is a dynamic parameter calculated in Bubble, it is not a value stored in SendinBlue. This is how I did it with Sendgrid.

I set the hyper link to be a “custom URL”

This custom URL parameters where obtained from bubble using the SendGrid plugin like this:

I was hoping to do the same but now using SendinBlue, since my SendGrid emails are getting blocked by hotmail and Outlook (they don’t even get to the spam folder). Any ideas on how can I do this?

HI Johnny,

Would you have any tips, videos or threads for help getting started with using Postmark and the plugin?

Thank you

Hey @jasonturo,

I actually didn’t use a Postmark Plugin, I just used the Bubble API connector.

Hello @johnny and others,

How do you configure the Json to send to postmark with the html tags? I´ve this in the API connector but since everything with “<>” is recognize as a parameter, I don´t know how to configure that:

    "From": "",
    "To": "",
    "Subject": "Postmark test #1",
    "TextBody": "Hello dear Postmark user.",
    "HtmlBody": "<html><body><strong>Hello</strong> dear Postmark user.</body></html>",
    "MessageStream": "announcements"

And below this:

Captura de pantalla 2021-02-22 a las 18.50.03

How do I need to configure so I can send message streams to users with emails in HTML format?

Hey there @ryanck,

You should pass through the HTML in the body parameters section. An example is listed below:

    "From": "<From Email>",
    "To": "<To Email>",
    "Subject": "<Subject Line>",
    "TextBody": "<Text Only>", (This is only if you want a text-only body)
    "HtmlBody": "<HTML Code>",
    "MessageStream": "announcements"

Body Parameters:
Key: HTML Code value: HTML Code <p></p>

Let me know if that makes sense

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Oh, I see.

Yeah, definitely. That makes a lot of sense.

Thanks a lot man.

No problem!

sendgrid is not a good solution. Yahoo emails will not be delivered is one issue and that’s big enough to not use them.