Sendgrid API Action - Where to Find It?

Hey folks… lots of posts which talk about using Sendgrid have the following image of an Action, but I cannot find it anywhere… nor can I find a plugin which seems to give access to it.

Can someone enlighten me as to where to locate it? Thanks! :slight_smile:


Hi Antony,

Have a look in workflows - Add an action then goto plugins menu and select ‘SendGrid Send email’

You do need to have the sendgrid plugin installed


Hi Simon… Yes, I tried that one. It looks quite a different action to the one I have seen and it kicked up and error when I tried to use it… maybe I’ll have another play with it and see if I can work out why and get my head around all the options.
Thanks for your input! :slight_smile:

Hi @antony!

If you’re using the SendGrid plugin, be sure to read through the field-level documentation. Let us know if you think you’ve uncovered a bug over at :slight_smile:

Hi Antony,

Any luck with this ever? I think I’m running into the same issue. I’m trying to dynamically pass images and there isn’t any workflow that looks like that one (i’ve seen it referenced in other conversations as well) where there are VARs.
