SEO urls in Bubble

Is it possible on a blog type site to have the current user and the title part of the url structure?

Basically, is there anyway to have pretty urls (for seo and easy shareable links). The sending data to pages tutorial showcased an easy way to have multiple pages from user creation, but didn’t mention anything about url structures.


Not quite yet, but we are looking into this - perhaps first quarter of 2016.

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This would be great, as I would like to have vanity URLs someday.

Agreed, would be very handy for sharing pages.

On a similar subject, does any one know of a helpful resource for SEO in Bubble?

We don’t have this yet, but we’ll work on SEO stuff as we add the readable URLs thing. That’s quite high on our list.

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We just pushed this!

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I think the numbers are a little crazy at the end and hopefully it’ll be easier to control url structures in the future, but for now I’m happy :slightly_smiling: Thanks!

Well we need a unique id to identify the thing. They might get smaller over time, but it’s a rather complex problem.

Why don’t you set the readable part as the id?