Slick Slideshow open to a specific element of images list


I’ve a list of 3 thumbnails that if clicked (one of them) they open a popup with inside a Slick Slideshow that allows the user to see the 3 pictures.

I want to open the slideshow already on the clicked image, otherwise the user will feel strange to click on an image and open a popup that shows another one.

Is this possible?

I created this in response to a similar question a while back. It’s probably a different approach to what you’re doing but I hope it helps.

Mmmmh I don’t really get what you did here.

You’re going to a page which is an index?

I don’t have pages in my app because it’s a “native” so, I can only open the popup and set some data.

I have two repeating groups - clicking a thumbnail in the first RG shows a bigger image in a slider on the second RG and it goes to the specific photo corresponding to the thumbnail that was clicked on.

I probably used two pages because the question I was answering at the time needed me to. I don’t think it needs to be the case. You can adapt as needed if it fits your needs.

Edit: I just checked, in the example, I don’t go to another page in the app, I go to a page index of the second repeating group. When you have a RG set to display one record at a time, each record view is called a page - just to confuse us :slight_smile:

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