Stripe.js - The most powerful payments plugin for Bubble. 💳

Version 1.6

A large plugin update that comes with support for File Uploads and revised request order.

-Create a payout (for sellers)
-Create a file upload (for platforms)
-Retrieve a file upload (for platforms)

-Examples added to request fields

-‘Charge payment to platform customer for seller’ action
-Source removed from ‘Update a customer’s details’ action
-Stripe-Account removed from ‘Create a payout’ action

Documentation for this update and more is available on the official Stripe API Documentation.

:open_book: ‘Platform’ calls are made as your Stripe account, ‘Seller’ calls are made as a Connected Seller
:blush: Version 1.5 was the last plugin update under the Private Plugin license.


Version 1.6.1

A needed plugin update that comes with support for Seller Verification and Transfer Reversal.

-Update a seller’s identity document (for platforms)
-Reverse a transfer (for platforms)



Documentation for this update and more is available on the official Stripe API Documentation.

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I’m curious to see some examples of user’s checkouts. It’s nice to be able to create the checkout yourself but I think my customers will feel secure seeing something familiar in terms of checkout design. I’ll probably stick as close as possible to the default Stripe modal, but curious to learn about other designs built on Bubble!

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Version 1.6.2

A foreseen plugin update that comes with support for iDEAL payments.

-Authorize an iDEAL payment (for platforms)



Documentation for this update and more is available on the official Stripe API Documentation.

:triangular_flag_on_post:Use the Charge methods to collect funds using the Source generated by call above. Be sure to integrate a webhook to let Stripe inform you when the bank has approved the charge! Need help? Book a session with us!

Version 1.6.4

A considerable plugin update that comes with support for Products and iDEAL Capture.

-Create a product (for platforms)
-Retrieve a product (for platforms)
-Delete a product (for platforms)
-Capture an iDEAL payment (for platforms)

-Added Product ID to ‘Create a plan’ action
-Set initial values for element’s states


Documentation for this update and more is available on the official Stripe API Documentation.

:triangular_flag_on_post:As of Stripe API 2018-01-23, you need a Product to create Plans. Need help? Book a session with us!


Any update on allowing ACH payments? :slight_smile:

Hey @geoff.byron,

We’re a sponsor away from building out ACH support via both Plaid and manual approaches. :blush:

Version 1.6.5

A spruce plugin update that comes with support for Products for Sellers.

-Create a product (for sellers)
-Retrieve a product (for sellers)
-Delete a product (for sellers)

-Added Product ID to ‘Create a plan’ action (for sellers)


Documentation for this update and more is available on the official Stripe API Documentation.

:hammer: Want to transition your platform to Stripe.js in a weekend? Check out the Platform Payments course!


Many thanks u guys. The update a seller ID doc works like a charm. Excellent job !

Stripe + Plaid support is here! :tada:

Requesting bank account details from users can be tricky and difficult. Introduce an easy, streamlined experience with the all-new Plaid plugin with support for Stripe bank account tokens. Just exchange the generated token for a Stripe bank account token for Stripe.js and you’re all set! :wink:


Hey @skylershelton,

It looks like you’re not providing a Customer ID wherever that call is made. :slight_smile:

We try to keep this post clear for updates only. For the future, is the way to go.

I have a few questions:

  1. When will Europe Bank account support be added?
  2. I can’t use UNIX Timestamp for the seller TOS Acceptance date as it’s not working for me, I’ve tried everything!

hi there @copilot
has there been an update today to the plugin?

All of a sudden our Convert Card into Stripe Token action has stopped working with no visible errors\issues.

Any suggestions what we can do\where we can look for the solution?

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Not sure if it could be the issue, but have you checked your API version in the Stripe dashboard? I’ve seen problems like this when the API is outdated or I haven’t updated the plugin.

I ran a test on my end and was able to process a payment.

Hey @vladlarin,

We’re received a number of reports today though we have not made any changes, but we are in touch with both Bubble and Stripe to figure things out. We appreciate every one reaching out concerning this issue!


Seems to be in order, but thanks @philip!

Still the same issue.
Even tried to downgrade and upgrade the plugin again with the restart of the app - still works.

Still blocked on my side though …

Please provide us with a reproduction case by email and we’ll look into it. By reproduction case I mean a page that shows the error.


We’ve done just that, and we’ll invite those who reported this issue to us to clue in their applications as well. :slight_smile:

Tokenization has been restored. :facepunch:

Thanks to all the users who reached out to the Bubble team and ourselves to get this promptly resolved. As this was a not a plugin-related issue, a plugin update is not required but ensure your Dedicated server is updated.