This seems like a bug but, I'm such a NOOB I'm not sure - Is it?

Hello, I was in the process of changing the style of the multi-select drop down menu. I’ve changed the font color to ffffff but which the property console displays, but it will not change the color. Please view the link that displays my screen. Thank you for reading this. Mark

It looks like you are styling a standard dropdown, not a multiselect. Are you referring to the placeholder “ACCOUNT” text color? If so, placeholder text is different than the dropdown text, which would explain why you’re not seeing changes. Right now only standard text inputs allow modifying the placeholder color within the Bubble editor. If you’re interested in forcing this color change, the only thing I can think of is adding a CSS ID to the element and styling the ID in Settings -> SEO & Metatags -> Script in body. Let me know if you need help with this. Personally I think sticking to a white background and dark text is the safe bet for standard dropdowns since not all browsers render custom colors well on this type of element.

Thanks Philip. This helps me a lot!

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