Trouble with Responsive Repeating Group. Please help!


Having so much trouble getting my RG looking right at smaller screen sizes…

Any advice greatly appreciated

Many thanks

Can you be a bit more descriptive of the problem that you are having? It seems to be working ok now.

Hey Marc

Nice UI there, but see what you mean it has responsive issues with the RG - would need to see the Editor really to assess what needs changing…

Hey Luke,

Thanks so much buddy. This is the one thing that’s keeping me from launch, the damn Responsive issues!!

Also there is an issue that when the screen is at Mobile size, the icons (Edit/Delete) and not clickable?!?

Hey @marc2

Had a quick look at the issue.

So I’ve only been able to make a few quick adjustments to the responsive settings, but mainly to the width at which you switch to the secondary (mobile/tablet) version of the repeating group. It’s probably more ideal if you can stick with one RG and then group content and change the responsive settings, rather than duplicating elements - just a note.

The reason the icons don’t work is because they have no assigned workflows. The desktop version has the assigned workflows, but again when the switch happens to the mobile/tablet friendly RG you will need to replicate the workflows. What I suggest is using custom events, so you can have one custom event that does all the workflow actions and then on the 2 pencil icons, when clicked you can trigger the custom event. I’ve setup an example of you check out the workflows.



Hope this helps. The responsive side is tricky to get to grips with and can be quite frustrating I know.