Unable to run tradinview widget

I’m trying to run a tradingview widget in my app, adding an HTML block using the following code
But the only thing I get is a text saying
EURUSD Chart by tradingview, am I doing something wrong?

In Firefox or Chrome, press F12 to open the console to see if there are any error messages for the javascript.

If you get this error …
Uncaught ReferenceError: Error in custom code: TradingView is not defined

… then its trying to run the widget factory before the library has finished loading.

To fix this, wrap the script inside a callback function for document ready, i.e. …

<script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready(function() {
    new TradingView.widget({
      "autosize": true,
      "symbol": "FX:EURUSD",
      "container_id": "tradingview_e50e9"
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