Unwarranted Tips: Rugged reflections on app/business development

Why do we build apps?

I have an amazing idea, I’m unemployable, this is my best option to change the small fraction of the world in which i now feel emboldened to participate.


It’s finished. The desperate scramble for tech rock-stardom and the allure of multi-faceted powers has finished just as it started. A fart, a burp, an alienating techsplaining conversation to your friends. It is as attractive and delusional as a Kiwi acting student, moving to L.A on the chance of being mistaken as Australian and getting wrapped up in the running culture of employing at least one “exoticised” white person on set on the off chance they will be the next Heath Ledger.

However, the will and drive for the dirty “I” word is not entirely juvenile or misplaced. Innovation is a youthful perspective. It is the very best offering we have to our parental generation who has been worn down to do so themselves.

We’re making an app, why?

To be noticed. Stop.

To survive, let’s do it!

To make a more efficient small to medium size business. Do it!

To change to world for the better. Stooooop!!!

At the heart of it we are pragmatic people looking to utilise the tools we have to organise our interactions with others. The harmful thinking is when we forcefully plan to deploy these tools to organise how others interact with us.

SAAS, it ends with service, and unless the game plan is to interact with oourselves, then serving is the aim of the game.

weird… i dont buiild apps for business, you can keep that assumption. i think many people on bubble just like experimenting with ui ux.

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Agreed. It’s a rare community.