Upload images to FTP

Hi everyone,

First time poster and first time bubble user! I love it and this forum is an amazing source of info so i’m hoping for some help…

My app will allow users to upload images and then transfer those images to an FTP site. I had looked at something like integromat but, honestly, I’m struggling…

Does anyone have any experience of this type of thing?

Please check PM

Hey Oiblibra,

I work at The Upstarters https://theupstarters.com and I have just sent you a private message.

Look forward to chatting to you,


Hi all

Looking for the same image to FTPS
Also for data file to FTPS

are there already solutions?

Thanks for your reactions!

Did you find an answer? I need to do this as well.



Turns out it isn’t that hard to do a pull, instead of a push. I can make the images available via my API and then use that to pull the images I need. I have an API on my external server that I then hit with the data needed to trigger the pull. It is a little extra work, but a decent way to overcome the lack of FTP capabilities Bubble. There’s a $125 plugin available, but I’m not convinced it’ll do what I want.