Whats the best way to share my app when asking a question in this forum?

Should I make it live and share the link with you? Are there any guidelines in this?

Great question. While it is significantly easier to share links to your editor in the forum to gather feedback, I wouldn’t recommend it.

Here’s why: if you share a link to your editor with your app set to public, you may be exposing things like your user data (development and potentially live), API keys, etc.

Remember that forum posts are public and readily visible in Google search results. (Beyond that, if you temporarily set your Application Rights to “Everyone Can View” or “Everyone Can Edit”, be absolutely certain you change it back when that’s no longer necessary).

Here’s what I recommend instead:

  • Capture a video/series of screenshots of the bug/issue and share them in your post (Use a tool like Loom: https://www.useloom.com/)
  • For a general question, create a sandbox app and re-create it the issue there, if it is feasible to do so.
  • If it’s a larger issue, share links to your editor through the forums messaging system. (Just do a quick check through their post history to validate who you’re sending it to).