Why don't images include url protocol?

I have no idea why they only store the path part and not the protocol. But that’s what happens.

This tripped me up for the umpteenth time a few days ago. See this thread:

Read the whole thing down to where @mishav chimes in and I reply. The “solution” marked in this thread works, but Misha points out that it does seem incorrect the way Bubble is handling this.

I’ve got some other more urgent bugs filed right now so I’m not keen to report this, but I don’t understand it either. Just know that, if you want to link out to one of those files you CAN (do it the way I explain in the thread). But if you want to write out the URL as text or something, you’ll have to add the “https:” part yourself.

This might also be an issue if you’re passing such an URL to an external API or something.

Anyway, I’m not sure if it’s intentional that Bubble just stores the path, but clearly the NAME for the field is misleading. The “URL” to the s3 file is not a fully-qualified URL, but is in fact a PATH.

This doesn’t make a lot of sense because I think s3 only allows reference via https: (not http:) so I’m baffled by this if it’s NOT a bug. #shrug